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Computational Biomechanics for Medicine --- Deformation and Flow

Nielsen, Poul M.F; Wittek, Adam; Miller, Karol. (Eds.)

2012, XV, 100 p. 47 illus. 43 in color.

Hardcover,ISBN 978-1-4614-3171-8

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Biomechanics of the brain.jpg

Biomechanics of the Brain

The very first comprehensive reference book about the biomechanics of the brain!

Series: Biological and Medical Physics, Biomedical Engineering

Miller, Karol (Ed.)

2011, ISBN 978-1-4419-9996-2, Hardcover

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Computational Biomechanics for Medicine --- Soft Tissues and the Musculoskeletal System

Wittek, Adam; Nielsen, Poul M.F.; Miller, Karol (Eds.)

150 pages, 100 images, 1 edition etc.

1st Edition., 2011, XII, 155 p. 103 illus., 49 in color.

Hardcover, ISBN 978-1-4419-9618-3

Order from Springer


Computational Biomechanics for Medicine

Miller, Karol; Nielsen, Poul M.F. (Eds.)

1st Edition., 2010, XII, 146 p. 60 illus. in color.

Hardcover, ISBN 978-1-4419-5873-0

Order from Springer